What if your prayers
for Israel could hasten
the Lord’s return?

“God’s Heart for Israel” Resource Kit
will help you align your heart with God’s
and equip you to play an important part in hastening the return of Christ.

Bible prophecy is clear. Aliyah—Jewish people returning to live in Israel—is a precursor to Christ’s return.

This movement is already underway, but there is much more to happen—and God has a part for you to play.

Whether you realize it or not, if you believe in Jesus/Yeshua, prophecies about Israel 

will have a tremendous impact on your life in the near future and beyond.

In fact, understanding God’s heart and plans for Israel is a huge key to understanding His heart and plans for you.

Over the next few weeks, here's what you'll receive:

Israel ebook
Prepare Your Heart from Tim
Explore God's Heart for Aliyah 6-23

Books to empower you
to understand God’s Heart

Be equipped. Be empowered. Be encouraged.

When we are in love, we long to know the heart of our beloved. Similarly, to grow in our
relationship with God, we must understand what is on His heart. What does He care about most?
What makes Him happy or sad? Find out in your “God’s Heart for Israel” Resource Kit.