Four Online Courses and More Coming!
Each course has assignments, PDF’s to read, self-assessments, questions to consider and more.
Never Do Fundraising Again 
Imagine Never Having to Raise Support Again!
In this practical, biblical course you will discover how to:
- Transform the stress and drudgery of fundraising into a joyful ministry
- Utilize proven strategies to spend less time, effort and money to maintain full support
- Cultivate life-long ministry partners and close friends
- Convert one time gifts into lifetime support
- Inspire your partners to become your best recruiters for more support
- Enjoy freedom from worry about your financial needs
Never Do Fundraising Again online training contains proven strategies and skills for building and maintaining your support. It is filled with powerful stories from the author’s lives and others who are using the biblical principles. Each lesson includes a video, practical assignments, a forum where you can interact with other students, a chapter from the book, and much more.
This course is based on the book written by Ken Williams and Gaylyn Williams, a father-daughter team with over 85 years’ experience (combined) as supported missionaries. Gaylyn, as well as Ken and his wife Bobbie, served with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Learn More About Each CourseGod’s Design for Community
Do you long for improved relationships or to strengthen the good ones you have? Discover biblical, easy-to-apply skills to p
rotect and build personal, business and church-wide relationships. Relationships can be difficult, both inside and outside the family. Broken relationships are far too common. Barna Research Group and others document the desperate need for interpersonal skills training for every Christian—from pastors, missionaries and ministry leaders to people in business and family relationships. This workshop empowers individuals for maximum success in all their relationships with a simple-to-apply skills. Each skill is demonstrated, practiced and discussed. You’ll discover what God’s Word says about interpersonal skills and how to apply the principles in your life.
Often people are not aware of what they are doing to hurt or destroy their relationships. This session begins with some of the things people tend to do wrong in their relationships, especially in how they fail to communicate well. Active listening is the cornerstone of effective relationships and must usually be learned. In this course, you’ll study the principles, do self-assessments, watch demonstrations on each skill and practice them. Learn how to unlock better communication, greater intimacy and personal growth.
Reconcilable Differences
Dealing with conflict is rarely easy. However, personal and ministry success are determined to a large degree by how skillfully people transform conflict into a catalyst for building strong relationships. Reconcilable Differences addresses conflict from a biblical perspective. You’ll discover what God reveals about how to convert apotentially destructive conflict into something constructive and beneficial in personal relationships and families, as well as in the body of Christ–churches, ministries, businesses and more.
All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!
Do you need to de-stress your life? Consider the following questions:
- Are you experiencing physical, emotional or relational symptoms that are a direct result of being overstressed? Do you know what those symptoms are?
- Could your perception of your situation be affecting your stress levels?
- Would you like to discover new resources to help you manage your stress?
- Do you ever feel like you are going crazy because you are so overwhelmed by life?
- What if you could find some simple yet powerful ways to de-stress your life? Would they be worth trying?
In this practical class, we’ll answer these questions and more.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we challenge you to take control of your life! You’ll discover seven practical, proven strategies to help you embrace a balanced, victorious life. People of all ages and situations experience stress, but it doesn’t have to get you down. In fact, stress can actually improve your life! Discover simple, yet amazing ways to make stress work for you – not against you. In this class you will learn about stress and how it can affect your life. You will also practice six key stress management skills that will empower you to De-Stress Your Life today and in the future. You will then work through ways to keep balance in your life, so you can keep from getting too overwhelmed.
Learn More About Each Course