Exploring God’s Heart: How God sees you

Identity in Christ

Are you living as an orphan or a prince or princess? Many people devote their lives to seeking love and approval from their relationships, possessions, career or appearance.

How God Sees You

True love and acceptance can only be found in God when you understand and believe what He says about you.

From Orphan to Sonship with God

Hear Gaylyn’s story from brokenness, pain and an orphan mentality, to learning how to walk out her relationship with God as a beloved daughter. You’ll learn to see yourself as Father God’s top priority. He delights in you, but do your really believe it’s true?

Identity in Christ

This class you will empower you to reach your full potential and recognize your great worth in God’s eyes. It will also help you change how you live your life as you experience more of God’s love. Finding out how God sees you could transform your entire life.

Contact us to see about having us come to empower your group to a deeper understanding of their identity in Christ and how God sees them.

This class is based on The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You: A Daily Adventure with Your Identity in Christ.

Look what others are saying about the book and training:

“I truly believe in the utmost importance of spending daily time with the Lord in prayer and in His Word. The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You is an incredible resource for seeking and connecting with the heart of God during those daily times. Filled with Scripture, insightful thoughts, and probing questions, this book will deepen your understanding and awareness of God’s love for you, help you discover who you are in Him, and guide you in “walking out” that identity from day to day. Every page of Gaylyn’s work is, as always, marked with her wisdom, encouraging spirit, and genuine love for the reader. This is a book I will be coming back to for years to come.”

—Dick Eastman, International President of Every Home for Christ

“I highly recommend Gaylyn’s treasures taken straight from the Scriptures! I am reminded of the passage in Ephesians, “…just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,” (Ephesians 5:25-26 NAS). Gaylyn’s compilation of the Word of God with applications on “How God Sees You” is vital for each of us. As you and I spend daily time in this resource we will be reminded afresh of who we are in Christ. The result will be evidenced in our lives by greater cleansing, intimacy and power with our Lord. You will relish the time you spend sitting with Him and pondering these passages and principles. Get ready for wonderful times of refreshing from the Holy Spirit!”

—Camilla Leathers Seabolt. Former Executive Director for Community Bible Study (1997-2013)

“Until we understand our true identity as a child of God, we will never feel whole. Working on this book gave me a new appreciation for who I am in Christ. It taught me that God is the missing piece to everything that we lack. To the fatherless, He is a father. To the weak, He is strength. In this way, the book can be useful to anyone who feels inadequate in some form or another. As a teenager in this world of media and persuasion, I often feel less than. By learning my birthright in God’s kingdom, I realized that I have access to everything that He is. My power lies in Him; therefore I am capable of anything.”

—Kacie Linamen, Teenager and College Student

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  • Unlocking Joy
  • De-Stress Your Life
  • Reconcilable Differences