Living in Community Workshop

Reach Beyond (Formerly HCJB) and Relationship Resources present

Build Strong Relationships in Your Church Workshop

for pastors and ministry leaders

This class is closed. If you are interested in going to it at another time, register below

and and we’ll let you know when we offer it again.

Or contact us to offer it to your church or ministry.

Learn practical interpersonal skills to use in all your relationships–personal and ministry–to build strong communities that attract both Christians and not-yet Christians. Discover how you may be sabotaging your relationships and how to build strong ones.

What is a Community? It is anywhere believers are gathered: family, church, Bible study, home group, ministry, etc. Consider the communities you are involved in. Would people be attracted to the Lord through how you treat each other?

Do you long for improved relationships or to strengthen the good ones you have? Discover biblical, easy-to-apply skills to protect and build personal, business and church-wide relationships. Relationships can be difficult, both inside and outside the family. Broken relationships are far too common. Barna Research Group and others document the desperate need for interpersonal skills training for every Christian—from pastors, missionaries and ministry leaders to people in business and family relationships.

This workshop empowers pastors and ministry leaders for maximum success in all their relationships with a simple-to-apply skills. The skills are demonstrated, practiced and discussed. You’ll discover what God’s Word says about interpersonal skills and how to apply the principles in your life.

Often people are not aware of what they are doing to hurt or destroy their relationships. This session begins with some of the things people tend to do wrong in their relationships, especially in how they fail to communicate well. Active listening is the cornerstone of effective relationships and must usually be learned.

Relationship Resources has been providing training worldwide over the past 40 years for thousands of people wanting to strengthen their relationships. It is biblically-based with practical skills to overcome challenges with all your relationships–with God, others and yourself.

Where: Reach Beyond, 1065 Garden of the Gods Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907

Reach Beyond is an international ministry that takes the gospel to the farthest reaches of the planet through modern media and healthcare.

Cost: Free, but donations are accepted. You can leave a donation here or at the workshop.

Networking opportunity: Come early or stay late to network with other ministries

Register below. Space is limited to 48 people. You must register no later than October 19, 2014.   Just in case the class is full, we will let you know and you can sign up for another one.

This workshop will be videoed. By attending this class you are agreeing to allow us to use the video on our web and for other uses. If you don’t want to be in the video, please let us know when you arrive.

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