Resources for Partnership Development

Welcome. Here are some resources for you and those you serve.

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The right sidebar on this page has many free resources for you. Feel free to get one or all of them. Just so you know, you will get separate emails for each of them. You can unsubscribe to any of them quickly and easily.

You are welcome to share these resources with those you serve, however we ask that you send people to this page, so they can get the resources themselves.

Learn more about our resources

Learn more about our workshops, our online courses and our books on raising support, stress management, relationship skills, conflict management, finding joy in life and more. We also have devotionals, journals and Bible studies to help you grow in your relationship with God. You can also see more information below about some of these books.

Get discounts on all our books

  • Get 50% off Never Do Fundraising Again using the discount code: NDFA50.
  • Get any other of our books at 33% off using the discount code: godisgood33
  • Get 50% off 10 books or more using the discount code: 50%off10+.
  • If you would like 100 or more, please contact us. We can customize the cover for you and the first pages, if you would like, on orders of 100 or more.

Materials for Missionaries

The following are some of our resources to help missionaries handle stress. They are available as  books, workshops and  online courses.

Never Do Fundraising Again

You Can Transform Donors into Lifelong Partners

Raising support is a major cause of stress for many missionaries. Our #1 best seller is Never Do Fundraising Again: A Paradigm Shift from Donors to Lifelong Partners. Learn how to change the drudgery of fundraising into a joyful ministry. In this workshop, online course or book, discover practical tips on how to relate to your ministry partners so you don’t have to continue to raise support. Learn more. The foreword was by Bob Creson, President of Wycliffe Bible Translators.

See some of what people are saying about Never Do Fundraising Again.

Stress Busters for Missionaries

Tools to Balance Your Life and Reclaim Your Peace

Proven stress management skills. In this workshop, online class and book, learn about stress and how it affects your life. You will practical skills, training and exercises that will help de-stress your life and find balance. Learn more about our trainings and book on managing stress.

This book and online training can be used by anyone on their own, working with a counselor or some other leader, or in a group setting.

Foreword by Jerry Bridges, Staff Development with the Navigators and Author of over 15 books, including The Pursuit of Holiness, which has sold over one 1,000,000 copies.

See some of what others are saying about Stress Busters for Missionaries book and training.

Boost Your Relationship  IQ

7 Keys to Build Healthier Relationships

We live in a variety of communities, including family, church, ministry, life group, business and more. How we relate to one another will demonstrate whether we are living in ways that glorify God. One of our goals should be to interact with the people in our lives so they will be drawn to God, us and our communities. Learn more about this online course, workshop or book.

See what people are saying about Boost Your Relationship IQ and Never Fear Conflict Again.

Never Fear Conflict Again

How to Leverage Conflict into Intimacy

Conflict is common in any relationship, including in the body of Christ. But it doesn’t have to be debilitating.  In this course you will discover simple yet powerful ways to handle conflict in the most effective ways in your communities–with family, church, business, ministry and more. You will learn practical skills to grow in all your relationships.

Learn more about our book, workshops and online course to help you effectively manage conflict. See what people are saying about Boost Your Relationship IQ and Never Fear Conflict Again.

Other Resources

We also have devotionals, journals and training to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord, Bible studies, a book on spiritual warfare and more. Learn More.

Contact Us

To learn more about how we can serve you or your group, or to request additional information, please use the contact form below or email me directly at Gaylyn at I look forward to hearing from you!

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