Current Classes

We have the following classes available for free in Colorado Springs.

Finding Joy in the Midst of Trials. October 3, 9-11 am

In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn practical skills to transform your life. Some topics include
finding joy in the midst of trials, overcoming hindrances to joy and fi nding joy in all your relationships.
Learn more:

Spiritual Warfare for Every Believer. October 8, 9-11 am

Learn to focus on God’s victory, rather than the enemy and deepen your understanding of spiritual
warfare. This workshop gives proven tools you can begin using immediately.
Learn more:

Never Have to Do Fundraising Again. October 15, 9-11 am

Are you struggling to raise and maintain full support? This practical workshop will empower you to
transform the drudgery of fundraising into a joyful ministry. You’ll discover proven strategies and skills
to build and maintain your support.
Learn more:

Build Strong Relationships in Your Church/Ministry. October 22, 9-11 am

Learn practical interpersonal skills to use in all your relationships–personal and ministry–to build
strong communities that attract both Christians and not-yet Christians. Discover how you may be
sabotaging your relationships and how to build strong ones.
Learn more:

De-Stress Your Life. To be determined.

Prepare for the holidays! In this class, you’ll discover six proven, biblical stress-management skills that
will help de-stress your life and fi nd balance.
Learn more:

Relationship Resources has been providing training worldwide over the past 40 years for thousands of people wanting to strengthen their relationships. Thanks to Reach Beyond (Formerly HCJB) for hosting and sponsoring these workshops.

What people are saying about Relationship Resources’ workshops

There is no church, no pastor, no elder board, no ministry team, no Bible study group that would not
profit immensely from this workshop. I have attended my share of “pastor’s conferences” and “how
to sessions” designed to improve various facets of my ministry. Rarely have I been able to say that what
I took away was something I use every single day. However, the tools given in this workshop are truly
“every day” tools. I use them in every relationship…from the casual acquaintance to the most intense
counseling situation.
Pastor Tim Westcott, Senior Pastor of Idyllwild Bible Church, Idyllwild, CA

Is it really possible to live in joy when your life has been riddled with unthinkable pain? I am awed by
a person who has mastered the task. Gaylyn shares a litany of life events that would have sent Goliath
spiraling. Much like David the shepherd boy, she faced off with her giant and moved from defeat to
victory! Her story held me captive—the unabridged truth came with force and clarity. It was clear she
had spent time in the soul’s abyss and came out a shining star. She is amazingly authentic.
Kimberly Faye, Author and Speaker

Gaylyn Williams and her incredible life story and spirit inspire all those who are fortunate enough to
hear her speak or read her story. Gaylyn’s humble, but powerful, style is laced with humor, grace,
heartache, and joy, while her story embodies adventure, courage, triumph, and tragedy. By creatively
sharing the lessons she learned along the way, Gaylyn helps the rest of us see how we too can apply
those lessons to ease our own burdens.
Kris Harty, Author and Speaker

A simple increase in knowledge about relationships isn’t enough to change behavior. Practice is the key
and practice is at the core of this workshop. This material applies to every area of my life.
John, a Human Resources Director of a Large Mission Agency

This was the best workshop I’ve ever attended. It transformed parts of my own personal life. It was
extremely helpful for my work. The written material is marvelous.
A Ministry Leader in Kenya

This was the best course we have ever had at our university. It is a lot of fun and the students are really
A Professor in Amman, Jordan

This is the most biblical, practical, and applicable workshop I’ve EVER attended…
George Warren, Missionary with Evangelical Free Church Mission

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