Proven Resources for Working with Volunteers

For volunteers in church or para-church ministries

How can you motivate more people to want to volunteer for your organization?

Relationship Resources equips churches and ministries to train volunteers to successfully do their jobs and want to continue working with you.

Over the last few years, the percentage of people volunteering in America has declined each year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2013, only 25.4% people volunteered at least once during the year. Women volunteer more than men and 35-44 year olds were the most likely to volunteer.

Do you know what encourages volunteers to continue volunteering for you?

Did you know that volunteers are almost twice as likely to donate to charity as non-volunteers. Eight in 10 (79.2%) volunteers donated to charity, compared to four in 10 (40.4%) non-volunteers. If you want to increase your donations, you need to figure out how to get more volunteers.

One way to motivate volunteers to stay involved is by offering training that can help them in their personal lives as well as in the ministry. Here are some topics Relationship Resources has trained volunteers in over the past 40 years:

Another way to motivate volunteers is with simple gifts such as a powerful book they can use. Relationship Resources has numerous books available, including:

You can get at a significant discount on these books, if you are purchasing in bulk.

Training your volunteers in spiritual warfare, stress management, people skills and conflict management can protect you, so you don’t give the enemy an open door to destroy your ministry. Relationship Resources has been helping people in ministry with these skills for over 40 years worldwide. The principles have been tested and proven world-wide over the last 40 years.

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Contact us to discover how we can empower your church or ministry as you work with your volunteers.