Would you help me get to Amazon best-seller status?

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

God's Design for Community. Amazon best-seller

Would you help me get to Amazon best-seller status?

Next week when I give away God’s Design for Community, I need your help to get it to Amazon best-seller status. I’d like to get it to #1 best-seller. Here are two things you can do to help me:

  • Share this link with others, so they can also get it free. You can share it by email, on your social media, on your website and any other ways you can think of. I’d love to give away 1000 copies of the book next week! Or you could forward this blog post to them.

  • Go online next week, with the link I’ll send you by email, to get your personal copy.

Make sure you have signed up for either the newsletter or the free samples of the books, to make sure you get the link to get the book free. Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe instantly at any time.

You can transform your life and relationships with easy-to-apply, proven skills.

We live in a variety of communities, including family, friends, church, ministry, life group, business and more. Do your interactions glorify God, attracting both believers and not-yet believers to Him and your group?

In this practical, biblical book you will learn how to:

  • Break free of roadblocks hindering your relationships
  • Develop effective communication to deepen your connections
  • Cultivate strong meaningful associations, built on God’s Word
  • Create rapport and intimacy by practicing simple, yet powerful, skills

Discover seven keys to unlock deeper, healthier relationships in all your communities.

What People Are Saying about these Materials

“Scripture is clear that the Lord cares deeply about how we treat one another, both within and outside the walls of the church. But too often relationships in some areas of our lives can feel difficult to navigate! In God’s Design for Community Gaylyn Williams wisely shares practical tools to build community by learning the skills to treat each other with dignity and love that is truly felt and understood. These biblically-grounded principles are destined to transform lives and ministries, unlocking new doors to spread the love of Jesus.”  Dr. Dick Eastman, International President, Every Home for Christ

“We train people to preach so well that they can raise the dead, then they kill them again with their interpersonal skills. These materials give pastors and ministry leaders the practical skills they need to be effective in their ministries.” Patrick Repp, Minnesota Renewal Center