Get My New Book Free Next Week
By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments
Get my new book free
Get my new book free
I’m giving away God’s Design for Community on Kindle one day next week. You can read it on PC’s, MAC’s, smart phones, iPads and other tablets. Use this link to learn more, get a free sample and see some of the many endorsements. On the link, above, you can learn how you can get them for free in other formats as well.
If you are not already on my newsletter list, go to God’s Design for Community and sign up on the right side of the page to get the link to get it free. Or you can sign up for the newsletter on the right side of this blog post.
My dad, Ken Williams, and I wrote the initial material for this book and Reconcilable Differences in the late 1990’s. It is currently available as Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills, IF you attend a workshop. These materials have already blessed over 40,000 people worldwide! Now anyone can benefit from them, outside of workshops. You can see some of the many endorsements for this book on the page linked above.
You can get both of these as books and online courses.