How can we serve you?

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

We are here to serve you? Please let us know how we can serve you.

Each day we will be giving you one of God’s names to meditate on for that day.

We pray God’s greatest blessings on you as you get to know Him better and serve Him,



God’s Name of the Day: Light for Revelation to the Gentiles

Luke 2:30-32—My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.

Some things you can do today with God’s name:

  • Jesus came to reveal God and His Kingdom to us. He is the light shining on us and on God to bring us into relationship with Him.
  • Thank the Lord that He didn’t just come for Jews, but He also come for Gentiles (that’s anyone who is not a Jew.) He could have just come for His people, but He chose to include us. Being a Gentile myself, I’m so thrilled Jesus came for us too.

Ask the Lord to show you today what else it means that Jesus came as a light for revelation.