Monthly Archives: July 2014

29 Jul

Conflict is normal in life and ministry

By Gaylyn WilliamsComments are off

Conflict is normal in life and ministry, with people you work with as well as within the family and other personal relationships. Look at some statistics. These were done specifically about pastors, however they are very similar for missionaries and anyone in ministry. (We believe all believers are in ministry of some kind, whether with

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22 Jul

Unlocking Joy

By Gaylyn WilliamsComments are off

Can you relate to the following statistics? A majority of people in ministry constantly fight depression. 70% of people in ministry have a lower self-image now than when they first started. And this is just the beginning. Being is ministry, whether you are a pastor or any other ministry leader, can be difficult and it can often steal your

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15 Jul

What is Spiritual Warfare?

By Gaylyn WilliamsComments are off

In order to do warfare, we must first be prepared. The initial way to prepare is to know what we are up against. In John 10:10 (NLT) Jesus said, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” Spiritual warfare is simply our

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03 Jul

Check out our new website

By Gaylyn WilliamsComments are off

Our new website is almost done. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Let us know anything that may not work right or anything you would like to see different. I’m grateful to my son Timothy Whalin, his wife, Megan and Mike Paxton for all their help on getting this working! Blessings on you,

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