Monthly Archives: April 2013

27 Apr

Urgent prayer request

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

I forgot to mention. We would really like my son Jonathan to be able to come to the service, since the rest of the family will get to be there. He is in China. Please pray that God will provide the money to fly him home for the service. He only needs about another $500

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26 Apr

An Amazing Story

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

An Amazing Story Excerpted from Keys to Joy: How to Unlock God’s Gift of Lasting Happiness God provides many examples in His Word of His people responding to bad times with worship and praise. Second Chronicles 20 is my favorite example. A huge army was on the march to obliterate Judah. Their leader Jehoshaphat was

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19 Apr

Want more Joy?

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Want more Joy? Excerpted from Keys to Joy: How to Unlock God’s Gift of Lasting Happiness Worship has a special relationship to joy. It is both a key to joy and an expression of joy. Are you down? You can worship God and experience true joy. Are you truly joyful? If so, you will express

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