What are you worried about?

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , With 0 comments

What are you worried about?

1 Peter 5:7—Cast all your anxiety/cares/worries on Him, because He cares for you.

This was one of the first verses I remember learning as a child. When I told my sister, Joy, that I was putting verses about stress on this blog, she asked me, “Have you used the teddy bear verse yet?” She went on, “You know, 1 Peter 5:7.” She had memorized that verse when we were in boarding school in Guatemala. She called it the teddy bear verse because she remembers the picture that was on the page where the verse was. It was of a little girl in bed, resting peacefully with her teddy bear in her arms. When we rest in Jesus’ arms (or the Father’s arms) we too will have peace.

What worries and cares are you carrying today that you need to throw onto the Lord? They might be little or big, but if they are bothering you, why should you keep carrying them?

Do you really believe He is big enough to take care of your problems and worries? Sometimes it’s easy to say that we trust Him. Words can be easy. But do we really believe them?

I pray God will give you peace and joy as you cast all your cares on Him.
