God’s Name of the Day: One My Heart Loves

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , , , , , With 0 comments

Song of Solomon 3:2—I searched for the one my heart loves.

The book of Song of Solomon is a picture of our relationship with Jesus, our lover. I’m just starting to study this book in greater depth. I challenge you to study God’s love for you more.

Is Jesus the one your heart loves? It’s easy to let other people take that place in our lives. He is the One who will never fail you or leave you. His love is perfect love.

Talk to the Lord now. If He is not the One your heart loves, talk to Him about that. What might you need to do to grow in your love with the Lover of your soul?

Sometimes Valentine’s Day is a difficult time for me and for others who are single. We see people who have a spouse or a human to be their lover. Yet, this year I’m so grateful that I have the greatest Lover I could ever have. He is the One who meets all my needs (although sometimes I confess I think I need a human to meet those needs.) He really is enough. He is all that I need. He’s all that you need. Whether you have a human that loves you deeply, or not, take time today to spend with Jesus and grow in your love for Him.

I pray blessings on you as you grow in love for the Lord,
