Anyone Need Sword Fighting Lessons?
By Gaylyn Williamsarmor, Bible, enemy, Ephesians, evil, Holy Spirit, lies, meditate, ministry, Roman, salvation, Satan, Spirit, Spiritual warfare, stress, sword, Word of GodWith 0 commentsEphesians 6:17—Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Notice it says to take the sword. It doesn’t say to fight with it. We need to know the Word of God, so we can be ready to use it against the enemy at any time. To know it, we must be spending time in it. The statistics of how many believers read the Word everyday is very sad.
Spend time meditating on this piece of armor as well as all the others. Why is it called the sword of the Spirit? There are several possible reasons, I believe. Here are a few:
- The Spirit inspired the Word.
- The Spirit knows how to use the Word against the enemy.
- We need to not only know the Word, but be in direct connection with the Holy Spirit so we can know what He is wanting to do. I wonder how many times I’ve missed opportunities that God put before me, because I couldn’t recognize what the Spirit was saying to me.
- Meditate on your Sword today, asking the Lord to help you understand it and know how to use it correctly.
- What is the Lord showing you about your sword? I’d love to hear your insights.
As I write these blogs, I pray for you. Let me know anything specific I can pray for.
Blessings on you,
Gaylyn Williams, co-author of All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!