God’s Name: Majesty of His Power

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , , , , With 0 comments

Cover for 2031 Names of God God’s Name: Majesty of His Power

They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence

of the Lord and from the majesty of his power

2Thessalonians 1:9 (NIV)

Excerpted from2031 Names of God: Transform Your Life as You Get to Know God in New Ways

Meditate on this name. Ask the Lord to reveal what He wants you to see from it today.

Blessings on you as you get to know God,

Gaylyn Williams, author of The Surprising Joy of Exploring God’s Heart: A Daily Adventure with 365 of His Names

“This wonderful collection of Names of our Lord that has been compiled by a special friend of my wife and me, Gaylyn Williams. You will find literally hundreds and hundreds of such descriptive expressions in Scripture in the pages that follow. Indeed, the author of this helpful guide has saved you countless hours in searching out these cherished expressions describing the nature and character of our Lord.”

—Dick Eastman, International President of Every Home for Christ


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