Please pray for me

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments
Thank you so much for praying for me. I go to the hospital (Memorial Main) tomorrow (Friday) morning (6 a.m.) to have a heart catheterization and possibly an angioplasty or stents. Please pray for the following:
  • complete healing (before the procedure would be amazing!!!). If they do an angioplasty or stents, I’ll have to stay in the hospital overnight.
  • for the doctor (Rosenbaum) that he will have wisdom and skill in doing the procedure
  • for opportunities to minister to the staff at the hospital, to show Jesus to them
  • a quick, complete recovery (I’m continuing to be tired and have chest pains). The doctors don’t know if it was my heart that caused the other scary episode that started all of this.
  • for my mom and dad as my dad is very weak some days.
  • sometimes life is just overwhelming
Thank you again for all your prayers. I do pray for each of you. By the way, I may not be able to answer everyone’s emails individually. My apologies in advance, if I don’t.
I have been blessed by so many people praying, offering to help and bringing meals. Thank you.