Introduction to Psalm 91
By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments
Protection from harm can come in unexpected ways, like the eagle who flies above the storm, “hidden” from its harm. While most birds seek refuge near the ground, eagles fly into the storm, so they can get above it. In the same way, God will often protect us from harm in unexpected ways as you will discover in this Psalm 91 devotional.
The eagle’s greatest enemy is the crow, which will get on its back, sometimes just for a ride, but other times it begins to peck at the eagle. Rather than trying to fight the crow, the eagle simply flies higher, so the crow falls off. When we learn to soar higher with the Lord, getting closer to Him, we will be protected as our enemies will fall away and we will rise in victory above our circumstances.
Job 39:27-28 (AMP) says, “Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high [in an inaccessible place]? On the cliff he dwells and remains [securely], upon the point of the rock and the inaccessible stronghold.”
People often struggle with worry, fear, stress, anxiety, depression, frustration and anger. These are dramatically increased with all the unknowns from COVID-19, its uncertainties and consequences such as physical and social isolation and forced homeschooling, financial pressures caused by unemployment, riots fueled by racial issues, and the list goes on. Can you relate?
Sixty-six percent of Americans say getting coronavirus is a significant source of stress in their lives, while 60 percent of U.S. adults cite police violence against minorities as a significant source of stress.[1] You can get more statistics in the Appendix.
Bruce Schwartz, MD, the president of American Psychological Association (APA), said, “The stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic can and is having an effect on people’s physical and mental health. During this time, it is important to do what we can to maintain self-care and manage the stress.”[2] The pandemic has altered every aspect of American life, from health and work to education and exercise. Over the long term, warns the APA, the negative mental health effects of the coronavirus will be serious and long-lasting.[3]
Honestly answer the following questions:
- Do you feel safe in this changed world? Why or why not?
- What do you do when you feel fearful or stressed?
- Where do you find safety and protection in the midst of the chaos in our current world?
Despite how current situations are impacting people in dramatic ways, there is true hope found in God and His Word.
Psalm 91 is a powerful psalm, giving hope in the midst of crisis and calamity. No matter what you are facing, you can find protection in the Lord. I encourage you to study this book with an open mind, asking God to reveal what He wants you to learn and do from it. He is our only true and lasting source of protection. If you don’t yet have a relationship with the God of the Bible, you can learn more in the Appendix of the Psalm 91 devotional.
Psalm 91 can give us strength and courage to help us face whatever comes against us. It is filled with challenges to our faith, encouragement to grow deeper in our relationship with God and comfort in knowing God and His angels are with us, no matter what we face.
Many people think if they just pray this psalm then they will never have problems. However, many of the promises don’t say that we won’t experience hard times, but rather that God will be with us and we won’t fear them.
This psalm has amazing promises, but how do we reconcile them with the suffering many are encountering today and have in the past? Many godly believers are suffering horrible atrocities and death because they are Christians. Does that mean they aren’t applying the truths in this psalm and other Scriptures? Absolutely not.
What did Jesus say?
Jesus and others in the New Testament told us that we will face hard times. Consider the following verses, asking God what He wants you to learn from them.
- John 16:33 (NLT): “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
- 2 Timothy 3:12 (ESV): “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
- We will look at more verses about this throughout this book.
Could it be that our idea of being rescued, delivered and protected is different from God’s? Maybe at times He delivers us from the evil by taking us home to be with Him. Ask God to show you what He wants you to know from this.[4]
As you go through this book, I encourage you to study it and apply the principles to your life. It won’t help you if you simply read it. I challenge you to study this book with an open mind, asking God to teach you and reveal to you why you or others you know may not always experience the truths in it.
I pray God will meet you like never before, giving you His strength, protection, comfort and hope. I pray super-abundant blessings on you as you spend time with the Lord and learn to trust Him more.
Gaylyn Williams
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[4] Learn more about suffering in the Appendix of Hidden from Harm. Plus, the link there will take you to a document with numerous Scriptures about suffering, written by Ken Williams, PhD, Gaylyn’s father.
© 2021 Relationship Resources. Excerpted from Hidden from Harm: Powerful Promises found in Psalm 91.