The WWJD Principle
By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments
The WWJD Principle
Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us,
a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:2
Excerpted from Never Do Fundraising Again, also available as an online course, empowering missionaries to not transform donors into lifelong ministry partners.
If Jesus were looking for partners today, based on what He did before, what would He do? In the last chapter we looked at how the apostle Paul related to his partners. In this chapter, we want to look at a few examples of how Jesus related to “partners” and potential partners. We see the give and take partnership in each relationship. Both are giving to the other and both are receiving.
In case you don’t know, WWJD stands for “What Would Jesus Do?”
First let’s look at Levi (also known as Matthew), the tax collector (Luke 5:27–32). Everyone hated him and looked down on him because of his profession. The Pharisees classified him with “sinners,” yet Jesus reached out to him, inviting him to follow. Immediately he left everything and followed Jesus. Then Levi invited all his friends over for a big banquet to meet Jesus. Because Jesus reached out to him, he opened his home to Jesus, which opened doors for the Lord to meet his friends.
Sometimes people don’t support us financially, but they still participate by allowing us to share with their friends. Or they might be able to partner with us in other ways, such as through giving their time.
Lazarus, Mary and Martha (John 11). Jesus was friends with the brother and sisters. He probably first met them when he was in their home, with Martha serving Jesus and Mary sitting at His feet (Luke 10:38–42). We know Jesus loved them (John 11:5). When Lazarus died, we see several things in John 11:
- He was willing to go into a dangerous situation to be with His friends, even though others were telling Him not to go (11:8–10).
- When He got to their house, He spoke words of comfort and encouragement to Martha (11:21–25).
- He empathized with Mary and Martha. (11:33). He was deeply moved in His spirit and was troubled.
- He asked a question, even though He knew the answer already (1:25, 34). They needed the opportunity to tell him.
- He wept with them, even though He knew He would shortly raise Lazarus from the dead (11:35).
Later, the brother and sisters invited Jesus over to dinner. Mary served Him and Martha poured expensive perfume on His feet and wiped them with her hair (John 12:1-3). Both were ministering to Him in their own ways. They had a partnership with Jesus in giving and receiving.
Laura Mae Gardner, D.Min., International Training Consultant for Wycliffe Bible Translators, said about Never Do Fundraising Again:
“I was amazed by this book, because it is so practical—it works, and it is the right way to do these things. Dick and I have believed and practiced these principles of partner relationships throughout our missionary career. Thank you for laying them out so clearly in this book.”
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