A Unique Devotional for You and Your Family for 2014

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , , With 0 comments

A Unique Devotional for You and Your Family for 2014

I Have Jesus’ Spirit, Who Calls out “Abba, Father”

This is excerpted from The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You: A Daily Adventure with Your Identity in Christ

Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

Galatians 4:6 ESV

Click here to learn more, get a free sample and a discount on this book: The Surprising Joy of DiscHow God Sees You Front cover 10-16-13overing How God Sees You: A Daily Adventure with Your Identity in Christ

Here is what Dick Eastman, International President of Every Home for Christ, said about this book:

Filled with Scripture, insightful thoughts, and probing questions, this book will deepen your understanding and awareness of God’s love for you, help you discover who you are in Him, and guide you in “walking out” that identity from day to day.

Steps on Your Journey to Discover How God Sees You:

  • Think about each part of this verse. Meditate on each section, asking God to reveal more of what He wants you to see today:
  • Because you are sons (and daughters). When God calls us His sons, He is referring to both sons and daughters. Think about what privileges we have as God’s children. God gives us things He doesn’t give to others who don’t believe in Him.
  • God has sent. I believe this was a difficult choice Father God had to make to bring us into relationship with Himself, although it may not have been because His nature is love.
  • The Spirit of His Son. Why do you think God sent you the Spirit of His Son? What does it mean that you have the Spirit of Jesus in your heart? How does that affect you?
  • Crying, “Abba! Father!” Why does the Spirit cry “Abba. Father?” Why doesn’t He just teach us that cry? Have you heard Him crying “Abba, Father?” The New Living Translation says, “Because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, ‘Abba, Father.’”
  • Abba is the Greek word for “father,” but it is a more intimate term, like daddy. Imagine yourself as a child who is in danger crying, “Daddy, help me.” The Spirit is teaching us to call out to our Heavenly Father, seeing Him as our Daddy who loves us and cares for us.
  • ·        Jesus had intimacy with His Father, where He could cry out to Him. Jesus’ Spirit is in us teaching us to have that same intimacy with Father God as Jesus had. In Mark 14:36, when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, crying out to God, He used “Abba.”
  • What does Romans 8:15 (ESV) add? “You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”
  • God adopted you, but then He sent the Spirit of His Son to live in you, reminding you constantly that you are His child. He reminds you that you can call out to Him, “Daddy, help!”

A Prayer for You:

Abba Father, thank You for sending the Spirit of Your Son into my heart, teaching me to cry out to You, teaching me that I am Your loved child. Help me to understand this truth more deeply. Help me to hear the Spirit crying out, “Abba. Father” and help me learn to cry out to you in the same way.

Click here to learn more and to get a free sample: The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You: A Daily Adventure with Your Identity in Christ


Gaylyn Williams, co-author of All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go, Solutions to De-Stressing Your Life, Recover Your Sanity

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