I Can Activate God’s Promises in Psalm 91

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Today we are getting another big picture of Psalm 91. The psalm, adapted here from the New Living Translation, is written in a personalized way, as if you are speaking the truths about yourself. Each section is followed by an outline of

  • God’s part in fulfilling the promises.
  • Our part in receiving them.

It is important for us to recognize that God’s promises in this psalm (as well as many other promises in Scripture) are often dependent on what we do. We cannot expect God to fulfill His part of this psalm if we don’t do our part. As you study today:

  • Ask God to show you what He wants you to know from it. Write out your thoughts on each part.
  • Meditate on the promises.
  • Ask God what you may need to do so you can experience the promises.
  • Speak each truth out loud as a declaration.

Psalm 91 personalized:

Since I live in the secret place of the Most High I will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I declare about the Lord that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety. He is my God, and I trust Him. He will rescue me from every trap and protect me from deadly disease. He will cover me with His feathers. He will shelter me with His wings. His faithful promises are my armor and protection.

  • God’s part is to
  • provide my shelter;
  • give me rest in His shadow;
  • rescue me, protect me, cover me with His feathers and shelter me;
  • give me protection with His promises.
  • My part is to
  • live in the shelter of the Most High;
  • rest under the Almighty’s shadow;
  • declare the truth of the Word;
  • allow God to rescue me, protect me, cover me and shelter me.

I will not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. I will not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at my side, though ten thousand are dying around me, these evils will not touch me. I will just open my eyes and see how the wicked are punished.

  • God’s part is to
  • keep the evil from touching me;
  • punish the wicked.
  • My part is to
  • choose not to be afraid and not to dread anything that may happen;
  • open my eyes to see what God is doing.

If I make the Lord my refuge, if I make the Most High my shelter, no evil will conquer me; no plague will come near my home. For He will order His angels to protect me wherever I go. They will hold me up with their hands, so I won’t even hurt my foot on a stone. I will trample upon lions and cobras; I will crush fierce lions and serpents under my feet!

  • God’s part is to
  • be my refuge and shelter;
  • not allow evil to conquer me;
  • keep plagues from coming near my home;
  • order His angels to protect me;
  • help me to trample on lions and cobras, crushing them under my feet.
  • My part is to
  • make the Lord my refuge and shelter;
  • believe God will help me trample and crush lions and serpents.

Lord, You said that You will rescue those who love You. You will protect me because I trust in Your name. When I call on You, You will answer. You will be with me in trouble. You will rescue and honor me. You will reward me with a long life and give me Your salvation.

  • God’s part is to
  • rescue and protect me;
  • be with me in trouble;
  • honor me and reward me with a long life;
  • give me His salvation.
  • My part is to
  • love the Lord;
  • trust in God’s name;
  • call upon God.

Consider the following:

  • What did God teach you today?
  • Which promises stood out to you?
  • What did He show you that you need to do differently so you can experience His promises?
  • Is there anything you need to confess? If so, do it now.

A Prayer for You

Most High God, thank You for Your protection for me in every situation. Show me what I need to do to experience the promises in this psalm more fully. Thank You that I have nothing to fear if I am trusting You and obeying You. I need to know that You will always be there protecting me, no matter what happens, especially as this world seems to be in chaos. I need to know You are my solid foundation, my secret place where I can hide. Show me what You want me to meditate on from this psalm today.

An Affirmation to Make

On other days, you will have specific truths to declare. Today, you can speak the whole personalized psalm out loud as your affirmation.

Actions to Take

You can get a downloadable, printable copy of Psalm 91 personalized from a link in the Appendix. You might also want to write Psalm 91 by hand because that can bring the truths to a deeper level for you.

Get a copy of Hidden from Harm on Amazon or learn more about it here.

Get a free e-copy of the 182-page devotional on Psalm 91, Hidden from Harm.

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