Coming Soon!

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , With 0 comments

Coming Soon!

I’m writing a series of books with all (or most) of the names of God that I have. Currently I have over 1800 names in English, plus over 400 names in Greek and Hebrew.

Each of the books will have all the names in them:

Book 1 will be in alphabetical order

Book 2 will be Scriptural order

Book 3 will have them in categories

Here are some of the categories that will be in the book. If you can think of any other categories you would like to see included, please let me know. You can email me at gaylyn or just reply to this blog.

These are in The Surprising Joy of Exploring God’s Heart: A Daily Adventure with 365 of His Names:

When you need or want… go to the following pages: (NOTE: These are pages in the paperback book)

Ability 24

An Advocate 104, 227, 247, 264, 297

Answers 94

Assurance for the future 10, 53, 76, 208

Blessing 106, 129

Choices 60

Comfort 37, 64, 160, 198, 330

Compassion 114, 197, 330

Counsel 98, 339

Courage 14

Creativity 7, 29, 244, 223

Deliverance 95, 118

Direction 13, 288, 331

Encouragement 13, 14, 296

Endurance 14, 193

An Example 59, 71, 73, 157

Faith 333

Faithfulness 4, 252, 299

Father 19, 39, 55, 133, 167-173, 294

Unity 182, 183

Wisdom 97, 174, 179, 275, 319

Where to Go When You are Struggling with Emotions

Go to the following pages when you feel: (NOTE: These are pages in the paperback book)

Abandoned 135

Alone 4, 19, 55, 176, 193

Battered 20, 104

Burdened 67

Defeated 269, 297

Depressed 22, 23, 125

Discouraged 14, 37, 330

Enslaved 148

Far from God 167, 338

Faithless 333

Fatherless 310

Fearful or Anxious 10, 18, 102, 121, 214

Floundering 155

Friendless 287

Helpless 39, 129, 296

Hopeless 13, 102. 196, 128,

Hungry for God 142, 153, 272

Inadequate 212, 289

Insignificant 30, 323

Joyless 22, 23, 125, 163, 307