God’s Name: Lord Your God, Who Goes before You

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

God’s Name: Lord Your God, Who Goes before You

Lord Your God, Who Goes before You

Lord Your God, Who Goes before You

The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you,

as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes

Deuteronomy 1:30 NKJV

 Excerpted from 2031 Names of God: Transform Your Life as You Get to Know God in New Ways

Meditate on this name. Ask the Lord to reveal what He wants you to see from it today.

You might also be interested in my devotional: The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You: A Daily Adventure with Your Identity in Christ. Click the link to learn more and get a free sample.

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Blessings on you as you get to know God,

Gaylyn Williams, author of Reconcilable Differences: Strategies for Your Journey through Conflict


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