How God Sees You

By Gaylyn Williams, With 0 comments

You Were Created to Be Like Godimage of The Surprising Joy of Discovering Your Identity in Christ

Put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:24 ESV

Steps on Your Journey to Discover How God Sees You:

  • This verse says we share two characteristics with God. Holiness and righteousness refer to God’s attributes. They are two sides of the same coin. Holiness has to do with character; righteousness with conduct. Holiness is God’s unchanging aversion to sin; righteousness is God’s unchanging love of right. In what ways can you imitate those?
  • This verse talks about true righteousness, rather than the righteousness of hypocrites. Consider the differences.
  • You were created to be like God, righteous and holy. However, you have the choice how you will live—out of your old, sinful self or out of your new self. Which are you choosing right now? If you are not sure, ask the Lord to show you.
  • I love creating things. One way I show my creativity is by making stained glass. I usually have a pattern that I’m following when I make a window, lamp, sun catcher or anything else. In the same way, God had a pattern He followed when He created you Himself. Think about what that means for your life. How are you like God?
  • Are there any changes you need to make in your life, so you are living as God created you? If so, what is keeping you from making them?
  • This is a powerful verse to memorize. Write it on a card and put it where you will see it often.

A Prayer for You:

  • Righteous and Holy God, thank You that You created me to be like You in true righteousness and holiness. Forgive me for the times I choose to live my old life. I want to put off that life completely, and put on my new life in You, but I need Your help.

Excerpted from The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You, 365 devotionals on your identity in Christ.

Kacie Linamen, Teenager and College Student said about The Surprising Joy of Discovering How God Sees You:

“Until we understand our true identity as a child of God, we will never feel whole. Working on this book gave me a new appreciation for who I am in Christ. It taught me that God is the missing piece to everything that we lack. To the fatherless, He is a father. To the weak, He is strength. In this way, the book can be useful to anyone who feels inadequate in some form or another. As a teenager in this world of media and persuasion, I often feel less than. By learning my birthright in God’s kingdom, I realized that I have access to everything that He is. My power lies in Him; therefore I am capable of anything.”

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