I Won’t Dread Diseases or Disasters. Psalm 91:6

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Psalm 91:6 NLT

Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

Finding Protection in God’s Word in Psalm 91:6

  • The Hebrew does not include the reminder not to fear or dread because this is a continuation of the last verse: “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day” (Psalm 91:5 NLT). It is implied.
  • Other translations of this verse:
  • “Nor the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the scourge that lays waste at noon” (TLV).
  • “Nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday” (ESV).
  • “Don’t fear a thing! Whether by night or by day, demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil launched against you.” (TPT).
  • This verse focuses on two areas:
  • When harm may come:
  • what can happen during the night or under any cover of darkness, including physical or spiritual darkness
  • what can happen in daylight, out in the open
  • Types of potential harm to us:
  • disease or anything that can harm our bodies
  • other disasters harming places or things
  • Don’t dread the disease that stalks in darkness.
  • The word for disease in Hebrew is also translated plague or pestilence. It is the same word used in Psalm 91:3. Interestingly, it comes from the root word meaning to speak, which can also mean destroy. Much of the fear caused by the current plague is from what people are saying, especially in the media and people who have their own agenda. The words spoken about this are destroying people’s lives and the economy. Another reason it might come from the same root is that, during a plague or any disease, we can often hear God speak more clearly.
  • Darkness can also be translated as obscurity.
  • COVID-19 is a disease or plague that is stalking in the darkness, seeking to destroy many. The darkness hides its origins, how it really affects people, how it is transmitted and so much more. All the unknowns with the virus, along with misinformation, are causing great fear for many.
  • How have diseases or any plagues caused you to fear or to trust?
  • Don’t dread the disaster that strikes at midday.
  • Disasters can include fire, floods, tornados, hurricanes and any other natural disasters, as well as manmade disasters. They happen in the light, where everyone can see them. We don’t need to fear any of them because God is our protector and we can trust Him.
  • Strikes in Hebrew also means lays waste or to devastate. Like a lightning strike that you don’t know when or where it will hit, disasters can cause great fear. All the riots could be considered disasters and are causing people much fear.
  • How have disasters affected you and caused fear? How did you deal with that fear?
  • The reason we don’t need to fear or dread anything in Psalm 91:5–6 is because of all we discovered in Psalm 91:1–4. Let’s review all the ways God protects us. As you read them, thank Him for each one.
  • We can dwell in the secret place of the Most High and rest under His shadow (what an amazing place of protection!) (verse 1).
  • God is our refuge, fortress, our God and the one we can trust (verse 2).
  • The Lord will deliver us from anything that tries to trap us or kill us with deadly diseases (verse 3).
  • God covers us with His feathers and provides a refuge with His wings (verse 4).
  • Yahweh’s faithfulness is our shield and protection (verse 4).
  • As you look at all the reasons why we don’t need to fear above, how do they encourage you? In which areas are you struggling?
  • When the pandemic first started, I was mesmerized daily with watching the statistics rising; however, it caused much fear. I considered the symptoms, as well as everything they said we needed to do to protect ourselves. I was afraid it might harm me or my sons. I often prayed and trusted God, but continued to struggle with fear. Once I stopped reading the news about the virus, I was able to trust God more. I still followed the Israeli laws related to the virus and did what I could to be careful, but I stopped being fearful and was filled with peace.
  • If you are struggling with fear over diseases, disasters or anything else, here are some ideas that might help you:
  • Talk to God about how you are feeling.
  • Find a trusted friend who will pray with you and encourage you. Make sure he or she is positive and focused on God, not focused on the problems and the negative.
  • Ask yourself how much news you are consuming and how it might be affecting you. If it is causing you more fear, don’t allow the media to control your thoughts and emotions.
  • Choose to focus throughout the day on who God is and what He does for you by reading and meditating on the Bible.
  • How does this verse encourage or challenge you?

A Prayer for You

Almighty God, thank You that I don’t have to fear any diseases, including COVID-19, or any disasters. You are my protector and I can trust You to protect me, my family and loved ones. Forgive me for all the times I’ve focused on the problems and become fearful. I need Your help to trust You, so I don’t live in fear. Would You bring me a friend who trusts You who can remind me to trust You? I want to live in Your peace, regardless of what happens in the world around me.

An Affirmation to Make Based on Psalm 91:6

I will not dread any disease that stalks in darkness, nor any disaster that strikes at midday. I choose to not fear any disease or any disaster, no matter when or how they occur.

Pray Psalm 91.

Actions to Take

What might you need to do to apply this verse in your life? You could also write your own prayer, expressing what God is revealing to you today.

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© 2021 Relationship Resources. Excerpted from Hidden from Harm: Powerful Promises found in Psalm 91.