Never Do Fundraising Again!

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , With 0 comments

Never Do Fundraising Again!

A Paradigm Shift from Donors to Life-Long Partners


This powerful new book contains over 200 pages of proven strategies and skills for building and maintaining your support. It is filled with powerful stories from the author’s lives and others who are using the biblical principles. This book is written by Ken and Gaylyn Williams, a father-daughter team with over 85 years’ experience (combined) as supported missionaries. Gaylyn, as well as Ken and his wife Bobbie, served with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

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Blessings on you as you get to know God,

Gaylyn Williams, co-author of Keys to Joy: How to Unlock God’s Gift of Lasting Happiness and

All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go, Solutions to De-Stressing Your Life, Recover Your Sanity

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