Passover 2014

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , With 0 comments
We are in Passover week, a holy Jewish holiday. 1 Corinthians 5.7 says, “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.”

The blood of the Passover lamb protected the people. You can read Exodus 12 to see when God first instituted Passover. He told them to  sacrifice a Passover lamb and put its blood on their door posts to protect them from death. He told them to do this every year as a remembrance.
Jesus died for us once, so we don’t have to continue to make sacrifices. He is our sacrifice. He is our Passover Lamb. His blood protects us from satan, our enemy.
Take some time today to meditate on this Name of Christ, our Passover Lamb. What does it mean to you that Jesus died for you to save you from death, eternal death?  How was He sacrificed for you? He took your place. His blood now protects you, your home and your family–if you have chosen to trust Him to save you. I encourage you to declare this truth out loud, “Jesus is my Passover Lamb. I declare that His blood covers and protects me and my family.”
If you aren’t sure if Jesus is your Passover Lamb and you are protected from the enemy, I’d love to dialog with you. No pressure at all. Feel free to send me a personal message.
I have a new book that gives you more help on protecting yourself and your family, Battlefield Strategies for Every Believer: A Biblical Guide to Spiritual Warfare.