God Will Answer Me When I Call. Psalm‬ ‭91:15

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Psalm 91:15 ESV

When he calls to me, I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

Finding Protection in God’s Word in Psalm 91:15

  • This verse has one action we need to do—call to the Lord—and four things God will do for us—answer us, be with us in trouble, rescue us and honor us.
  • When I am faced with any kind of challenge, I want my first response to be to call to God, seeking His face and His answers. I want to know what He has to say about each situation, rather than first trying to figure things out on my own or getting counsel from others. Yes, there is a time to hear from others, but that should be after I have heard from God. It is often easy for me to seek counsel from others first. What about you? When you have challenges, where do you seek the answers?
  • Our part is to call to God.
  • Call in Hebrew is kawraw, with many meanings, including the idea of accosting a person met, to call out to, address by name, cry, invite, mention, proclaim, pronounce, publish, read and say. Which of these meanings stand out to you and why?
  • The idea of accosting a person is like Jesus’ story about the widow who kept badgering the judge until she got an answer. See Luke 18:1–8.
  • How and when do you call out to the Lord?
  • When are you likely to try to discern answers yourself or from others before calling on the Lord? Is there anything that may need to change?
  • God will answer when we call.
  • Answer in Hebrew is awnaw and also means to heed, pay attention, to respond, hear, lift up, say, shout, sing, speak, testify, utter and (bear) witness. How do these meanings help you understand how God may answer you?
  • What does 1 John 5:14–15 (CJB) say to you? “This is the confidence we have in his presence: if we ask anything that accords with his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—then we know that we have what we have asked from him.”
  • Do you ever wonder why at times you don’t see God’s answers when you call? Could it be that you are not asking according to His will? Ask Him to show you why you may not see Him answering your prayers.
  • God will be with us in trouble. Many times, the Bible mentions troubles. Problems are normal. We shouldn’t think that when we have troubles God isn’t answering or He doesn’t care.
  • The Hebrew word for trouble is tsawraw, also meaning tightness, adversary, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress and tribulation. How have you experienced these?
  • What do the following verses tell you? Ask God to speak to you through them.
  • John 16:33 (NLT): Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
  • Hebrews 13:5 (AMP): God said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!”
  • How has God been with you in troubles?
  • When have you felt abandoned by God when you experienced trials? Ask Him to show you where He was.
  • God will rescue us. When we need to be rescued, God will rescue us from situations, the evil one and people who come against us.
  • Rescue in Hebrew is khawlats and also means to pull off, to deliver, equip (for fight), strengthen, draw out and prepare. Based on the various meanings of the word rescue, God will pull off anything that tries to attach to us or hold us back in anyway. He will strengthen us, deliver us and equip us for any fight we may face. What does this mean to you today?
  • What do these verses say to you?
  • Psalm 18:17, 19 (ESV): “He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. … He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.”
  • Psalm 22:5 (ESV): “To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame.”
  • 2 Peter 2:9 (CSB): “The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.”
  • In what ways do you need God to rescue or deliver you or your family? Ask Him.
  • God will honor us.
  • The word for honor in Hebrew is kabad, also meaning to promote, glorify, to make weighty, heavy or rich. How do these other meanings add to your understanding?
  • What do these verses say to you about honor?
  • 1 Chronicles 29:12 (ESV): “Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all.”
  • Psalm 3:3 (CSB): “You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.” The word for glory here is the same as the word for honor in Psalm 91, although in Psalm 3, it uses the noun and in Psalm 91, it is the verb.
  • Psalm 84:11 (CSB): “The Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord grants favor and honor; he does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity.”
  • Romans 2:10 (CJB): “Glory and honor and shalom to everyone who keeps doing what is good, to the Jew first, then to the Gentile.”
  • My Israeli visa expired during the COVID-19 crisis because my flights kept getting cancelled and the Ministry of Interior was closed. Tourist visas are almost never renewed. As I went to their office once they opened, I meditated on God giving me honor, as well as being my honor and my glory. I declared that God’s favor and honor were on me and people would see it. They did! They give me an extra month and a half. Wow! I trusted God to rescue me and give me favor, and He did!
  • In the appendix is a list entitled “God Is All I Need.” It has thirty-six things God is to us and does for us when we call on Him. I encourage you to meditate on some of them.
  • When have you called on God and not seen Him answer you, rescue you or honor you? Ask Him to reveal why He didn’t answer, or how He might have answered you, but you didn’t recognize His answer.
  • When have you called on God and experienced Him answering you, rescuing you and/or honoring you?
  • What is God saying to you today through this verse?

A Prayer for You

Yahweh, I’m calling on You today, believing that You will answer. (Tell God what you need.) Thank You that, when I call out to You, You hear me, answer me and speak to me. Help me to hear Your answers and see You working, despite all the chaos and noise around me. Would You remind me to call on You anytime I start to worry, try to figure things out on my own or seek counsel from others before I come to You? Thank You that You are with me when I go through trouble. Your presence gives me strength, wisdom, understanding, comfort, shalom, hope and joy. I’m grateful, Lord, that I can trust You to rescue me and/or honor me in Your own ways. I appreciate that, as I call on You, knowing You and Your name, You will honor me with the people or groups where I need to be honored.

An Affirmation to Make Based on Psalm 91:115

Lord, You said that when I call on You, You will answer. You will be with me in trouble. You will rescue and honor me.

Pray Psalm 91.

Actions to Take

What might you need to do to apply this verse in your life? You could also write your own prayer, expressing what God is revealing to you today.

Psalm 91:15 ESV

When he calls to me, I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

Finding Protection in God’s Word in Psalm 91:15

  • This verse has one action we need to do—call to the Lord—and four things God will do for us—answer us, be with us in trouble, rescue us and honor us.
  • When I am faced with any kind of challenge, I want my first response to be to call to God, seeking His face and His answers. I want to know what He has to say about each situation, rather than first trying to figure things out on my own or getting counsel from others. Yes, there is a time to hear from others, but that should be after I have heard from God. It is often easy for me to seek counsel from others first. What about you? When you have challenges, where do you seek the answers?
  • Our part is to call to God.
  • Call in Hebrew is kawraw, with many meanings, including the idea of accosting a person met, to call out to, address by name, cry, invite, mention, proclaim, pronounce, publish, read and say. Which of these meanings stand out to you and why?
  • The idea of accosting a person is like Jesus’ story about the widow who kept badgering the judge until she got an answer. See Luke 18:1–8.
  • How and when do you call out to the Lord?
  • When are you likely to try to discern answers yourself or from others before calling on the Lord? Is there anything that may need to change?
  • God will answer when we call.
  • Answer in Hebrew is awnaw and also means to heed, pay attention, to respond, hear, lift up, say, shout, sing, speak, testify, utter and (bear) witness. How do these meanings help you understand how God may answer you?
  • What does 1 John 5:14–15 (CJB) say to you? “This is the confidence we have in his presence: if we ask anything that accords with his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—then we know that we have what we have asked from him.”
  • Do you ever wonder why at times you don’t see God’s answers when you call? Could it be that you are not asking according to His will? Ask Him to show you why you may not see Him answering your prayers.
  • God will be with us in trouble. Many times, the Bible mentions troubles. Problems are normal. We shouldn’t think that when we have troubles God isn’t answering or He doesn’t care.
  • The Hebrew word for trouble is tsawraw, also meaning tightness, adversary, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress and tribulation. How have you experienced these?
  • What do the following verses tell you? Ask God to speak to you through them.
  • John 16:33 (NLT): Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
  • Hebrews 13:5 (AMP): God said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!”
  • How has God been with you in troubles?
  • When have you felt abandoned by God when you experienced trials? Ask Him to show you where He was.
  • God will rescue us. When we need to be rescued, God will rescue us from situations, the evil one and people who come against us.
  • Rescue in Hebrew is khawlats and also means to pull off, to deliver, equip (for fight), strengthen, draw out and prepare. Based on the various meanings of the word rescue, God will pull off anything that tries to attach to us or hold us back in anyway. He will strengthen us, deliver us and equip us for any fight we may face. What does this mean to you today?
  • What do these verses say to you?
  • Psalm 18:17, 19 (ESV): “He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. … He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.”
  • Psalm 22:5 (ESV): “To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame.”
  • 2 Peter 2:9 (CSB): “The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.”
  • In what ways do you need God to rescue or deliver you or your family? Ask Him.
  • God will honor us.
  • The word for honor in Hebrew is kabad, also meaning to promote, glorify, to make weighty, heavy or rich. How do these other meanings add to your understanding?
  • What do these verses say to you about honor?
  • 1 Chronicles 29:12 (ESV): “Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all.”
  • Psalm 3:3 (CSB): “You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.” The word for glory here is the same as the word for honor in Psalm 91, although in Psalm 3, it uses the noun and in Psalm 91, it is the verb.
  • Psalm 84:11 (CSB): “The Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord grants favor and honor; he does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity.”
  • Romans 2:10 (CJB): “Glory and honor and shalom to everyone who keeps doing what is good, to the Jew first, then to the Gentile.”
  • My Israeli visa expired during the COVID-19 crisis because my flights kept getting cancelled and the Ministry of Interior was closed. Tourist visas are almost never renewed. As I went to their office once they opened, I meditated on God giving me honor, as well as being my honor and my glory. I declared that God’s favor and honor were on me and people would see it. They did! They give me an extra month and a half. Wow! I trusted God to rescue me and give me favor, and He did!
  • In the appendix is a list entitled “God Is All I Need.” It has thirty-six things God is to us and does for us when we call on Him. I encourage you to meditate on some of them.
  • When have you called on God and not seen Him answer you, rescue you or honor you? Ask Him to reveal why He didn’t answer, or how He might have answered you, but you didn’t recognize His answer.
  • When have you called on God and experienced Him answering you, rescuing you and/or honoring you?
  • What is God saying to you today through this verse?

A Prayer for You

Yahweh, I’m calling on You today, believing that You will answer. (Tell God what you need.) Thank You that, when I call out to You, You hear me, answer me and speak to me. Help me to hear Your answers and see You working, despite all the chaos and noise around me. Would You remind me to call on You anytime I start to worry, try to figure things out on my own or seek counsel from others before I come to You? Thank You that You are with me when I go through trouble. Your presence gives me strength, wisdom, understanding, comfort, shalom, hope and joy. I’m grateful, Lord, that I can trust You t

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© 2021 Relationship Resources. Excerpted from Hidden from Harm: Powerful Promises found in Psalm 91.