God Will Give Me Long Life and Salvation. Psalm‬ ‭91:16

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Psalm 91:16 NIV

With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Finding Protection in God’s Word in Psalm 91:16

  • This verse tells us two more things God will do for us when we call on Him.
  • First, God will satisfy us with a long life.
  • Satisfy also means to fill with satisfaction. God doesn’t want to give us just a long miserable life, but rather a satisfied life. Are you satisfied with your life? If not, talk to God about what you may need to change. For example, if you have been complaining about your life, you may need to confess that to God and choose to let Him satisfy you.
  • Having a grateful heart has helped me to become more satisfied with my life, lifting me out of sadness, depression and fear. I began a thanksgiving list in 2011, and now have 6309 items on my list. During the hardest times, I try to write twenty plus items on my list. It is amazing how this exercise lifts my spirit. I encourage you to start a list, writing at least one item each day.
  • The length of each person’s long life may be different. God knows the length of our time on earth.
  • Do you trust God to satisfy you and your family with a long life? Why or why not? Talk to God about any struggles you may have in this.
  • God will show us His salvation. One of the meanings in Hebrew for show is to experience visions. A vision is simply a picture or “movie” you see with your spiritual eyes. Do you ever see visions? If not, ask God to give you visions of His salvation and all it means.
  • The Hebrew word translated salvation is Jesus’s Hebrew name, Yeshua, comes from it. This Hebrew word also means health, healing, prosperity, victory, deliverance, rescue, safety, protection and provision. As you study some of these meanings, ask God what He wants to reveal to you.
  • Salvation. Our ultimate salvation will be from sin and death when we will be in heaven with God forever. What a day that will be! But for now, we get to see God’s salvation in our lives and families, saving us from the evil one, as well as from ourselves, people and situations that may try to harm us. How has God shown you His salvation?
  • Health. God gives us health, but He also expects us to be wise in how we treat our bodies. We can’t expect God to keep us healthy if we are inactive and eat mostly junk food. Last year, after I was diagnosed with melanoma, I began earnestly studying how to become healthier. I was already walking many miles a day and eating mostly healthy, but wanted to learn how to improve. God knows exactly what we need to be healthy in every area—our minds, brains, emotions and bodies. Ask God to reveal anything you can change to become healthier.
  • Healing. God is our healer. He promises that by His wounds we already are healed (Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24). What is holding you back from experiencing full healing?
  • Deliverance. This could include deliverance from humans trying to harm us, but I believe it primarily is deliverance from the evil one with his attacks against us and our families. I don’t want anything holding me back. How about you? Ask the Lord to show you what you may need to do to stand against the accuser today.
  • Rescue. In the last devotion, we looked at rescue. You can review it.
  • Safety. God gives us safety. I recently realized that for most of my life I haven’t felt safe. I’ve been meditating on God’s names and qualities that show His safety and how He keeps me safe. When I’m living in the secret place, under the shelter of His wings, I am safe. Nothing can come against me. Are there any areas where you don’t feel safe? God has so much to say about safety. What do these verses say to you?
  • Psalm 4:8 (ESV): “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
  • Proverbs 18:10 (AMP): “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs to it and is safe and set on high [far above evil].”
  • Protection. God shows us His protection. I’m sure there are many, many times when God protected us when we haven’t even known it. Ask God to open your eyes to see His protection, both now and how He protected you in the past.
  • Provision. God also shows us His provision. Consider all the ways that God has provided for you and your family throughout your life. If you don’t feel like He has, ask Him to show you how He has provided for you.
  • I’m so grateful for all the ways God always provided for me financially and in every other way. Many times, I’ve had very little money, but it never stopped me from doing anything that God had for me to do! God also provides relationships, friendships and things I need. How has God provided for you, both in the past and present?
  • I’ve seen God’s salvation and protection many times in Israel. Several times God told me to go a specific direction and later I found out that if I’d gone the way I planned, I could’ve been in serious danger. One time, God told me to go around the old city of Jerusalem for my morning walk, rather than through it like I had the previous two days. That morning two people were killed in the same area, at about the same time where I walked the days before. I could have been hurt or killed. How have you seen God protect you?
  • What is God saying to you today through this verse?
  • How have you experienced God satisfying you with a long life?
  • How have you experienced God being your yeshuah, with all the meanings above?

A Prayer for You

God, thank You that You satisfy me with a long life. I want to be satisfied with the life You give me. Forgive me for the times I grumble and complain about my life. Lord, would You open my eyes, heart and spirit to see, enjoy, experience and even have visions of Your salvation, with all its meanings. Thank You for how You’ve protected, provided, healed, delivered and saved me and my family in the past and how You’re doing it now and will in the future. Would You show me any areas where I still need Your salvation, victory, deliverance, prosperity, protection and provision? I choose to trust You in every area today and in the coming months and years, including with how our world has changed and continues to change.

An Affirmation to Make Based on Psalm 91:16

Lord, You said You will satisfy me with a long life and give me Your salvation, if I love You and trust in Your name.

Pray Psalm 91.

Actions to Take

What might you need to do to apply this verse in your life? You could also write your own prayer, expressing what God is revealing to you today.

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© 2021 Relationship Resources. Excerpted from Hidden from Harm: Powerful Promises found in Psalm 91.