A paradigm shift that will transform your life

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , , , With 0 comments

Never Do Fundraising Again

Excerpted from the introduction on Never Do Fundraising Again

When the Lord led us (Ken and my wife Bobbie) to join Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1957, we joyfully anticipated translating the New Testament for a language group without a Bible in Guatemala. That came to pass, but God also had an unanticipated and wonderful ministry in mind for us, one that has lasted fifty-six years and has brought just as much joy.

He brought precious people and churches into our lives to provide for our prayer and financial needs. In the beginning we saw them as “donors” and treated them as such. But soon, God transformed our hearts and minds through His Word. We’ll share more in the upcoming chapters.

He showed us that these were not “donors” or “supporters” but rather “partners” in the best sense of the word. And not just ministry partners but precious friends for life. We discovered that God brought them into our lives as a key part of our ministry. So we began an exciting process of building loving relationships that have lasted a lifetime.

As a result, all of our prayer and financial needs have been abundantly met all these years without ever mentioning needs or raising new support. Does this sound like a fairy tale? We’re not alone; others who have lived out the principles of this book have experienced the same blessings. We’ll share some of their stories.

Gaylyn and I believe it is possible for you to enjoy these same outcomes as you live out the biblical truths of this book. It won’t happen immediately, although we’ll share the story of one couple who applied these principles when they first started out. Within three months they had full support and have never had to raise it again—in over forty years!

However, we do want to say that even if you do all these principles, there may still be times when you will have to raise support. For example, I (Gaylyn) am in the process of raising new support. About ten years ago, I lost ninety percent of my support in one year from partners who died, retired or lost their jobs. At that time, rather than raising new support, I started a business to supplement my income. Now, I believe God wants me to focus on the ministry completely, rather than having my time divided by business and ministry. I’m in the process of developing new partnerships as well as applying the principles in this book to people who used to partner with me.

If you’re in ministry for the long haul, you will experience God’s rich blessings in ways you never dreamed possible. And you will have an extended ministry that can be life changing for you and those He brings into your lives. Even if there are times you need to fundraise again, continue to apply the principles, because it is all about relationship! 

Because of the economy, this may be the hardest time in many years to build a ministry partnership team. Don’t be discouraged. There are new ways to achieve this goal. We are excited that you picked up this book. It is filled with powerful principles and stories that will change your life and your ministry, if you choose to apply them.

This book comes out of a serious study of the Scriptures. Each principle comes from the Word—well, except e-mail and social media. We just couldn’t find anything in the Word about those! However, the principles in them are godly principles. This is a unique book. It may challenge you or shock you. We guarantee to make your life easier over the long haul.

Drs. Michèle Lewis and Kelly O’Donnell, Consulting Psychologists, Member Care Associates, Inc. said about Never Do Fundraising Again:

 “This book reflects our core belief about the types of relations needed for sustainable, effective work (and life in general). True friendships are lifelong treasures. And true friends make great ministry partners! Thanks for helping us understand resource realities (finances) in light of relational resiliency (friendships). Your use of metaphors, examples, Scripture and suggestions really help to make the material practical.”