My dad, Ken Williams, is with Jesus!!

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments


I wanted you to know that my Dad went “home” last night. He is out of his suffering. He died sometime just before midnight. Yesterday he was in pain and mostly non responsive. For his sake, we are thrilled that he is where he has wanted to be, with Jesus!! For our sakes, it is hard. Please pray for all of us, especially my mom.

Two verses that dad was meditating on a lot this past week are Jude 24 and 25: “To him who is 808901_se_j_wedding_-170141able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

Last night God presented my dad before His glorious presence, without fault (because of what Jesus did) and with great joy. Wow!! Think about that! Dad was looking forward to that so much. We definitely don’t grieve for him. He now has great joy, more than we can begin to imagine!! We can all look forward to that same welcome, if we have a personal relationship with Jesus!!!

I will send an email in the next day or so, when we figure out more information about the service.

Any of you who live in the Springs, if you have a room that someone could stay in, we would appreciate that. We’ll have lots of people coming into town for the service.

The picture I’m attaching is one of my favorites of him. It really shows his personality. He jumped in front of us at Jonathan and Sue Ellen’s wedding!

My apologies for any of you who receive this message more than once. Please forward this to anyone who might have known my dad.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement. We all appreciate you standing with us at this time.


Gaylyn for all of us (Bobbie (my mom), Joy and Joni (my sisters) and the rest of the family!)