God Will Never Leave Me or Forsake Me

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

God will never leave you

God Will Never Leave Me or Forsake Me

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have,

for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

Hebrews 13:5–6 ESV

Steps on Your Journey to Embrace Overflowing Hope:

  • Do you ever feel alone or lonely?
  • How does it encourage you to know that God is always with you and will never leave you or forsake you?
  • Many times singles can feel lonely. I’ve struggled with that sometimes. However, when I am conscious of God always being with me, the loneliness dissipates.
  • God also created us for relationship with others, but we need to find healthy relationships. Sometimes He uses others in our lives to be His arms, hands or mouth. Do you have friends or family who you can call when you are feeling alone, sad or hopeless?
  • Look at each part of these verses, asking God what He wants to say to you through them:

o   Keep your life free from the love of money. It doesn’t say keep free from money, but rather from the love of money. Money, in itself, is not bad. How you view money can be negative. The love of money is detrimental and leads to sin.

o   Be content with what you have. Are you content or are you always wanting more?

o   God will never, never leave you or forsake you. The Greek actually has three negatives here: “I will never, never, never leave you.” The New Testament uses double negatives to show a greater emphasis. To my knowledge, this is the only time it uses three negatives together, revealing how important this is. What does it mean to you knowing God will never ever leave you or forsake you? You can’t do anything to cause Him to leave you. Think about that.

o   We can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper.” Can you confidently say that? On the other hand, is there a part of you that wonders if He really does help you? If so, ask Him to show you how He helps you.

o   I will not fear; what can man do to me? Are you ever afraid of what people might do to you? If so, remember that God is with you. He is bigger than any human that could ever come against you, and He is your helper.

  • Talk to the Lord about what He is showing you through these verses.
  • Hebrews 13 is a quote from Joshua 1:5 (NIV), which also says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
  • What does Matthew 28:20 (NKJV) add? “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
  • Are you confident that God will never leave you or forsake you? Why or why not?
  • Do you have a relationship with the Lord where you can talk to Him at any time about anything? If not, I’d encourage you to develop that relationship. He is always there and loves spending time with you.
  • I’ve been single for twenty-two years. I can’t imagine being alone all this time without having the Lord to talk to. At times in the past, I allowed myself to get too busy and didn’t take time to talk with Him, but whenever I do, I know He is there. Moreover, whenever I listen to Him, He talks to me.
  • What does it mean to you, knowing the Lord will always be with you, no matter where you go or what you do? Do you feel like He listens to you? Why or why not? If you don’t think He listens to you, ask Him to reveal that He does hear what you say and He answers.
  • How might knowing God won’t ever leave you give you hope for today and for the future?

A Guided Prayer:

Lord, thank You that You promise to never ever leave me or forsake me. I’m grateful I can be confident of Your presence with me, no matter what happens. Thank You that You are my helper, so I don’t need to fear what man might try to do to me. I’m so glad You are bigger and stronger than any human is. When I feel alone or lonely, please remind me that You are always there and always will be.

An Affirmation to Make:

I know God will never leave me or forsake me, so I will confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”


Excerpted from Overflowing Hope for Singles. It has 31 devotional studies to encourage you.

Consider getting copies of this book for any single people you know.

Blessings on you as you get to know God better,

Gaylyn Williams, author of God’s Design for Community: Proven Relationship Skills for Christians

Available as a book, online course and live training.

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