God’s Provision for You

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , With 0 comments

Psalm 136:25— He gives food to every living thing.
His faithful love endures forever. (The New Living Translation)
Takes care of everyone in time of need.   His love never quits.  (The Message)

One way God shows us His love is by providing food. We may not be eating steak and shrimp every day (or even ever!), but we can still be thankful for the food God does provide for us.

I grew up in Guatemala and I remember seeing the Mayan Indians down there who just ate beans and tortillas most of the time, yet they were so happy and thankful. We can learn a lot from them!

How does knowing God provides for you help you with your stress management?

Take some time today to thank God for all of His provisions for you—which reveals His love for you.

Blessings on you today as you give thanks to God for providing for you,

Gaylyn Williams, co-author of All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!: Solutions to De-Stressing Your Life and Recovering Your Sanity