How Do You Handle Conflict?

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , , , Comments are off

Reconcilable Differences front coverExcerpted from Reconcilable Differences, a free eBook. Click the link to download it today.

Conflict is inevitable anywhere there are people—with family, friends, at church, in the community, and in business. It can either devastate or strengthen relationships. Proven biblical principles guide churches, ministries and individuals to transform conflict into strong, God-honoring relationships.

While conflict is common even in the body of Christ, it doesn’t have to be debilitating. Conflicts are not des­tructive in themselves. The way they are handled determines how negative or positive they are. If a conflict between two people isn’t properly resolved it can contaminate an entire family, business, congregation or ministry.

Dealing with conflict is rarely easy. However, personal and ministry success is determined to a large degree by how skillfully people transform conflict into a catalyst for building strong relationships.

Here are some ways you may experience conflict:

  • Within your family—with your spouse and/or children
  • With your board of directors
  • With one person or group—either within or outside of your ministry
  • Conflict with church or ministry members over vision
  • Name your own __________________________________

Can you relate to any of these?

We are available to do training on managing conflict. Click to learn more or to contact us.

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