Jesus, Our Model for Handling Stress

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Jesus, Our Model for Handling Stress

Jesus is our example for how to manage stress effectively. He experienced an incredible amount of stress for our sake, and yet He endured. He didn’t give up. He didn’t let it overwhelm Him.

As 1 Peter 2:21 says, we are to follow His example, not only by suffering, but also by handling suffering (or stress) like He did.

Isaiah 53 describes Jesus as:De-Stress Your Life front cover

  • a man of sorrows
  • familiar with suffering
  • despised
  • rejected
  • pierced
  • crushed
  • wounded
  • oppressed
  • afflicted

Yes, Jesus knew all about stress. Any one of the above descriptions would cause us intense stress.

Meditate on how Jesus handled his stress and ask Him what you can learn for your own life. I’d love to hear what He is showing you.

Excerpted from All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!

How can I be praying for you right now? As I’m writing this, I’m praying for each one who will read this post!

Blessings on you,

Gaylyn Williams, Co-author of Never Do Fundraising Again: A Paradigm Shift from Donors to Lifelong Partners. This is a great resource for any missionaries, short-term or long-term, who has to raise their support. Consider getting it as a Christmas gift!

“By coming to know God we are given everything we need to live a godly life (2 Pe 1:3). This book is a labor of love from Gaylyn Williams’ heart, to God’s people who desire to know Him better, and what better way to get to know Him than to study His names. Each name of God expresses one of His attributes, thereby telling us Who He really is. I urge you, to use this book along with your Bible, read it daily, study it and meditate on Him, the God who is Love (1John 4:16). Wow!!! What a Savior!”

—Steven R Sherwood, Sr. Pastor Fairview Baptist Church, Kokomo, IN

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