Look what people are saying about our books and training:

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Look what people are saying about our books and training:

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This is a well-written and well-organized workbook for dealing with stress, maintaining balance, and growing as a person.  We commend it for how helpfully and creatively it is woven together. Readers will appreciate the personal anecdotes and practical content, the wealth of useful guidelines and Scriptural principles, the group interaction and application items in each chapter, the emphasis on making healthy choices and changes in one’s life right now, and the  opportunities for developing further skills to help oneself, children, and others deal with life’s demands. This book is like cool water to thirsty souls! May it travel far and wide. Our heartfelt thanks to you, Gaylyn and Ken!

Dr. Kelly O’Donnell and Dr. Michèle Lewis O’Donnell
Consulting Psychologists, Member Care Associates, Inc.

“Gaylyn Williams and her incredible life story and spirit inspire all those who are fortunate enough to hear her speak or read her story. Gaylyn’s humble, but powerful, style is laced with humor, grace, heartache, and joy, while her story embodies adventure, courage, triumph, and tragedy.  By  creatively sharing the lessons, she learned along the way, Gaylyn helps the rest of us see how we too can apply those lessons to ease our own burdens.

Kris Harty, Author and Speaker

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