Stress Tip: Stay Positive

By Gaylyn WilliamsWith 0 comments

Stress Tip Stay Positive

Focus on the positive and good in your life.

When we’re stressed, we often focus on the negatives in our lives. We need to learn to appreciate what we have. Begin a list the good things in your life. They can be big, like getting a promotion or small, like riding your bike this weekend.

I started my own list 2-3 years ago. I now have over 1200 items and it continues to grow! Whenever I’m feeling stressed or discouraged, I add more things for which I’m thankful.

I’d love to hear about how you stay positive in your own life.
This is one of the stress tips I have available for free on my web. You can sign up to get 52 free stress-management tips.
Bob Creson, President and CEO Wycliffe Bible Translators USA said about All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!

Dr. Ken Williams is an expert in dealing with issues related to stress and its impact on our lives. He draws from a deep well as he writes having spent years as a Wycliffe missionary himself, and then as a counselor to missionaries. He combines his life experience, professional training, and academic credentials to co-author a book full of solid advice. He and daughter, Gaylyn, have teamed up to provide an excellent resource for believers who want to de-stress their lives through the application of God’s Word mixed with healthy counseling principles.

Blessings on you,
Gaylyn Williams, President of Relationship Resources
Coauthor of All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!

Gary Wilkerson,  President of World Challenge, said about All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go!

I recommend you take the time to read this important book. Stress can ruin your life, but Jesus offers a better way. The Biblical solutions and personal truths in this book can set your heart, mind and soul free. This book is a timely remedy for a culture consumed with pressure, over-scheduling, impossible deadlines and sleepless nights full of anxiety. Read and be restored to the life God intended.

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