Where are you?

By Gaylyn Williams, , , , , , With 0 comments

On Monday, we looked at God’s love, mercy and grace toward us and what Jesus did for us on the cross. Today, let’s look at Ephesians 2:6—And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 1:20-21 says that God raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms.

Not only did God save us, but He also raised us up with Christ. Here are some things to think about today:

  • What does this verse say God did for us?
  • Where is Christ now?
  • Where does this say we are now?

Let the truths from this verse sink in. You are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. I don’t know about you, but I have often lived in the pits, with no power, no authority, and feeling defeated. I can say from experience that is not a great place to live. It’s no fun. I was there because I failed to recognize the truth in this verse. We don’t have to live in the pits. God already, because of the cross, raised us up to sit with Him in the heavenly realms. Think about what that means to you and your life today.