Please pray for Ken Williams

By Gaylyn Williams, , , With 0 comments

Please pray for Ken Williams

Please pray for Ken, my dad. He is in his final days here on earth. He has prostate cancer that has gone into his bones and bone marrow. He is so ready to graduate and get to be with Jesus. God has blessed him in many ways and blessed so many others through him. Even in these days when he is bed bound and getting weaker, he continues to minister to people who call or come visit him.


Many, if not most, of you have been blessed through his teaching and/or his books. If you would like to send him a message, send it to I’ll make sure he gets it.


My dad also continues to meditate on verses he memorized over his life-time. They are bringing him such joy and peace. I want to encourage you to memorize at least one verse this week. Don’t use the excuse that you can’t memorize Scripture. We are all able to hide God’s Word in our hearts (if you aren’t telling yourself that you can’t do it).When we do, God blessed us in great ways!


If you are not sure what verse to memorize, try Isaiah 26:3. It is one that my dad has meditated on many of the last days.


You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Isaiah 26:3 NLT


Perfect peace is actually “Shalom Shalom.” Shalom is so much more than just peace. It also means rest, wholeness, well, happy, health, prosperity, favor and much more.

Meditate today on how God can keep you in His perfect Shalom, when you trust Him and fix your thoughts on him.


Blessings on you today in all you do,

Gaylyn Williams